
Powerful, Accurate & Data Secure AI Chatbots from Europe for Europe.

Our LLM chatbot (ChatLLM) APIs empower businesses to automate customer service, improve communication, accelerate code development, advance marketing, enhance content creation and more. It's like ChatGPT but developed for Europe with core focus on data protection!

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Enhanced customer support
Streamlined operations
Victor Reed

“By 2025, 80% of customer service organizations will use generative AI technology to improve agent productivity and customer experience.”


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Cost-effective AI chatbot.

Our ChatLLM offers all the features and capabilities of high-end AI chatbots, but at a much lower price. Save money while providing excellent customer service
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Privacy-focused approach.

We do not track or train our models using data from our customers who utilize our chatbot APIs.
Improve communication

Increase efficiency.

By using our ChatLLM APIs, businesses can streamline their operations and increase efficiency in customer interactions.
Increase efficiency

Retrieval-Augmented Generation.

PropensityAI conversational search engine uses natural language predictive text to answer queries, seamlessly integrating internet search capabilities with large language models (LLMs).
Improve communication

SQL Database Agent.

No need to write complex SQL queries to retrieve the data you need. Simply ask our SQL agent, powered by a Large Language Model (LLM), and it will generate an SQL query based on your question, delivering the answer. It’s as easy as chatting with an LLM chatbot.
Increase efficiency

"38% of leaders recognize the impact of Generative AI on enhancing customer experience and retention."


Boost your business with AI chatbots.

“By 2026, more than 80% of enterprises will have used generative AI APIs or deployed generative AI-enabled applications.” - Gartner Insight

Get Started

Get your ChatBot API key now:


AI Technology Made in Germany Made in Germany